Registered Gas Installers
We Heat Things Up With L.P Gas

Gas Hob Measurements| How To Measure Your Existing Electrical Hob To Replace With A Gas Hob


Please  ensure the Gas hob you purchase  fits into the  cut out in the counter  top. 

Please Physically Check The Gas Hob You Purchase Fits Into The Cut Out In The Counter Top.

We Don't Change The Cut Out Size Of The Counter Top If The Gas Hob Doesn't Fit.

The Green  arrows  is the size you need to  measure  on your  cut out on your  counter top. 

The red arrows  if the measurement  that the gas hob overlaps the cut out in the counter top. 

The yellow arrow  is the depth of the counter top. 

 Please  check  that you have enough  depth ( Yellow  arrow ) between  the gas hob and a electrical oven  if that's what is going  below  the gas hob.
